+1s (Plus One) On Sale Online

 1Its hard to imagine that the number of +1s for a post or article wouldn't be one of the factors to determine its search rankings. Specially with the +1 button placed right next to the Google search results. SEO companies have, in the past, experimented and seen positive impacts of tweets on search rankings. In fact the staff at seomoz have already done an experiment to see the impact of Google+ vs Twitter on search rankings.

Various sites, just in the last 2-3 days have stated selling +1 votes at different rates for a set of votes. Just search for “Buy Google Votes” and numerous results will be returned of sites selling +1 votes. manuallinkbuilding.co.uk, googleplus1supply.com and plussem.com are just a few of them.

The sites claim that Google is not likely to know about who is clicking the plus one button. To take plussem as an example—the site states that all of the plus ones will come from 50 different accounts worldwide depending on how many URLs are submitted to them.

It also claims the following:

  • All +1′s come from people with a Google account that has been verified by phone (Phone Verified Accounts).
  • All +1′s come from real people. No bots are being used!
  • All +1′s are being given by manually going to your website and clicking the +1 button.
  • It’s untraceable because the +1′s are being given from different IP’s.
  • All +1′s are given dripped over a couple of days so it looks natural.

One thing is for sure—although, using this approach many will see a positive impact on their search rankings, particularly the early experimenters, but any mistake on the part of the websites offering the service could hamper the search rankings, specially if Google could come up with a system to tackle this.


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